"Dimulai Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Pernyayang"
Sepuloh Surah Mujarab Dari Nabi Muhammad SAW
Amalkan membaca Surah Al-Fatihah semasa hendak tidur diikuti dengan membaca Surah Al-Ikhlas 3 kali, Surah Al-Falaq dan Surah An-Nas. Insya'Allah akan aman tenteram dan terjauh daripada gangguan syaitan. Dianjurkan juga membaca surah ini sebanyak 44 kali untuk mengubati sakit mata, perut, gigi dan lain-lainnya dengan izin Allah s.w.t. Untuk mencegah kemarahan Allah, bacalah surah ini sebanyak 17 kali sehari iaitu dengan mengerjakan solat 5 waktu.
Telah bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w., sesungguhnya bagi setiap sesuatu itu ada hati, dan hati Al-Qur'an ialah Surah Yaasin iaitu jantung Al-Qur'an. Sesiapa yang membaca Surah Yaasin, nescaya dituliskan oleh Allah pahala menyamai sepuluh kali membaca Al-Qur'an seluruhnya. (Hadis riwayat At-Tarmizi dari Anas r.a.) Rasulullah s.a.w. juga bersabda : Surah Yaasin dinamakan di dalam kitab Taurat dengan sebutan "At-Mu'ammah" (yang umum), yang mengumumkan pembacanya dengan kebaikan dunia dan akhirat, menanggung segala bala baik dari kesusahan di dunia mahu pun akhirat. Pembaca juga akan dilindungi dari setiap keburukan dan kejahatan serta segala hajat dan kemahuan akan Allah kabulkan. Jika dibaca dalam satu malam semata-mata mengharapkan keredaan Allah, nescaya Allah akan mengampunkan dosanya. (Hadis riwayat Malik, Ibnu-Sunni dan Ibnu Hibban). Surah Yaasin ni juga jika diamalkan, akan terselamatlah kita dari kehausan di hari KIAMAT.
Dibaca sekali pada malam Jumaat agar kita terselamat dari huru hara di Padang Mahsyar.
Menurut beberapa hadis Rasulullah s.a.w., mereka yang mengamalkan membaca Surah Al-Waqi'ah pada tiap-tiap malam, insya'Allah tidak akan merasai kepapaan. Mereka yang membacanya sebagai wirid, insya'Allah akan beroleh kesenangan selama-lamanya. Mereka yang membacanya sebanyak 14 kali setiap lepas solat As ar, insya'Allah akan dikurniakan dengan rezeki yang banyak. Selepas solat Isyak, ambillah segelas air lalu bacalah Surah Al-Fatihah sekali, Ayatul Qursi sekali dan Surah Al-Waqi'ah ayat 35-38 sebanyak 7 kali. Tiup dalam air dan minum. Dalam hati, niat untuk menjaga kecantikan diri dan kebahagiaan rumahtangga kita. Makna Surah Al-Waqi'ah Ayat 35-38 ialah : "Sesungguhnya, Kami telah menciptakan isteri-isteri mereka dengan ciptaan istimewa. Serta Kami jadikan mereka sentiasa dara (yang tidak pernah disentuh), yang tetap mencintai jodohnya serta yang sebaya dengan umurnya.
Sesiapa yang mengamalkan membaca surah ini sebanyak 1,000 kali, maka Allah s.w.t. akan menghasilkan hajatnya termasuk rezeki dan kenaikan pangkat. Sesiapa yang membaca 1,000 kali juga selepas solat Isyak hingga dia tertidur, insya'Allah dia dapat melihat Rasulullah s.a.w. dalam tidurnya.
Sesiapa yang membaca Surah Al-Khaafiruun, maka bandingannya seperti membaca seperempat Al-Qur'an, disamping terlepas dari syirik, terjauh dari godaan syaitan dan terlepas dari peristiwa yang mengejutkan (Riwayat At-Tarmizi). Sebelum tidur, bacalah surah ini agar kita mati dalam iman serta membersihkan kotoran dalam diri kita.
Sebuah lagi Surah dari Al-Qur'an iaitu Surah Al-Mulk mempunyai fadilat dan faedah yang amat besar bagi sesiapa yang mengamalkan membacanya. Menurut beberapa hadis Rasulullah s.a.w., mereka yang mengamalkan membaca akan surah ini, akan mendapat syafaat dan keampunan dosa-dosanya. Mereka yang membacanya pada setiap malam, insya'Allah, akan terselamat dari azab kubur..
Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah bersabda kepada isteri kesayangan baginda, Siti Aisyah, antara mafhumnya : "Wahai Aisyah isteri ku, sebelum kamu tidur, khatamlah dulu Al-Qur'an." Siti Aisyah lalu berkata, "Wahai suami ku, saya tidak mampu khatam Al-Qur'an sebanyak 30 juzuk itu." Apabila mendengar kata-kata Siti Aisyah tersebut, Rasulullah s.a.w. sambil tersenyum lalu menjawab, "Barangsiapa yang membaca 3 kali sebelum tidur, seolah-olah ia telah khatam Al-Qur'an keseluruhannya. " Dari Rasulullah s.a.w.. pernah bersabda kepada Saidina Ali r.a., "Sesiapa hendak pergi musafir, kemudian ketika dia hendak meninggalkan rumahnya, ia membaca surah Al-Ikhlas 11 kali, maka Allah memelihara rumahnya sampai ia kembali. Ibnu Said Al-Khanafi menerangkan : "Surah ini dinamakan Surah Al-Ikhlas, ertinya bersih atau lepas. Maka barang siapa yang membacanya dan mengamalkannya dengan hati yang ikhlas, maka ia akan dilepaskan kesusahan duniawi, dimudahkan di dalam gelombang sakratulmaut, dihindarkan dari kegelapan kubur dan kengerian hari kiamat."
Siti Aisyah menerangkan : "Bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. pada setiap malam apabila hendak tidur, Baginda membaca Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq dan Surah An-Nas lalu ditiupkan pada kedua telapak tangan, kemudian disapukan keseluruh tubuh dan kepala. Barang siapa terkena penyakit kerana perbuatan syaitan atau manusia, hendaklah membaca Surah Al-Falaq dan Surah An-Nas sebanyak 41 kali selama 3 hari, 5 hari atau 7 hari berturut-turut. Barang siapa yang takut akan godaan syaitan dan manusia, takut dalam kegelapan malam atau takut dengan kejahatan manusia, bacalah Surah Al-Falaq dan Surah An-Nas sebanyak 100 kali.
Surah An-Nas adalah surah yang terakhir (ke-114) dalam Al-Qur'an. Nama An-Nas diambil dari kata An-Nas yang berulang kali disebut dalam surah ini yang bermaksud manusia. Surah ini termasuk dalam golongan surah makkiyah. Isi surah ini adalah bagi menganjurkan manusia memohon perlindungan kepada Allah dari godaan syaitan baik yang berasal dari golongan manusia mahu pun jin. Surah An-Nas ini juga adalah penerang hati
Terima Kasih Buat Hamba Allah Yg Mengirimkan Nota Ini Untuk Dimunafaatkan Bersama.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Notes in FB by my sweet sweet sister...
About KITA
Today at 12:21pm
KITA the Musical was a success. I watched it for three times and still the play amazed me no less each time. I am so proud of Hafiz. Dennis Chua of NST has described his acting as “perfect” and his vocal prowess was “second to none”. KITA was Hafiz’s biggest achievement so far.
Having to act and sing for ten nights in a row was not easy. It needs a lot of commitment, discipline, courage and stamina. What more with the broken wrist that he suffered three days before the final show. But oh my…the boy really has a big heart! He continued acting without a glimpse of discomfort and pain. He’d given his best despite the misfortune. And for that we should be proud of being his fans.
Well, I am not going to comment much about the theater, you can read all about it in the newspaper. But, I was so touched by the friendship of Rahman, Cheong and Ganesh showed in KITA and how the differences, challenges and hardship in life make them even closer. And KITA reminds me of “us” – Hafiz’s fans or “his family” as he claimed to Michael Roa, his co-star in KITA. And from being Hafiz’s fans we become friends.
Dear friends, do you still remember, once upon a time, one year ago, we gathered at the LCCT meeting eyes for the first time, waiting for Hafiz at odd morning hours. Do you still remember the glow on our faces?
Dear friends, do you still remember, one year ago, at the KIA, we were so worried about Hafiz’s delayed flight? Do you still remember how anxious we were waiting for Hafiz to arrive for the dinner? And do you still remember Hafiz’s face when he saw us and tried to recall our name one by one?
Do you remember the “doa” that we had in the chatbox on the night of the launching of Hafiz’s first album? Do you remember the tears that we shed that night? Do you still remember the memorable times we spent in KL or Kuching or everywhere chasing after our Superboy? Ahhh….friends, do you still remember the joy and the laughter that we shared even without Hafiz with us?
It has been a year. We have been through a lot. Some friends are just drifting away, some are not talking to each other, some have doubt in their minds and some are trying to be on the top of everything...Duhh!! Hmmm….never across in my mind that being a Hafiz’s fan and becoming friends of Hafiz’s fans can be such a challenge. Isn’t it weird? God, friends, what are we fighting for actually?
There were times I think I just want to STOP. I can just be Hafiz’s fan without being his friend or friends to his fans. After all, I have played my part as an ardent fan – I bought his album, I request and vote for his songs, I bought tickets to his shows, I showed up at his big events – so that’s it! I am A FAN!
But I guess it is not enough. NO, it is never enough! For me or for you! Friends, deny it all you want, but I am sure deep down you agree with me!
Each of us wanted to be part of Hafiz or else we wouldn’t insist so much of him. We want him to return our calls despite his tiredness, we want him to reply to our sms or bbm or twitter or fb comment despite his busyness, we want him to acknowledge us for everything that we do for him and we want him to “pujuk” us for nothing… God, what are we doing? Friends, do you realize that sometimes we are being so selfish and insensible?
And Hafiz being himself abides to our selfishness and insensibility, because to him, WE are his family. I don’t befriend many people in the entertainment world, but I think what Hafiz has done to us is more than what he should. He has given bits and pieces of him to each and every one of us… in a different way (of course).
Dear friends, put aside the jealousy that we might feel for each other and scrap out all the negative thoughts that bugging our mind. If one word of apology can clear the air, then do so. There is no winner to be announced after all!
Friends, please forgive me if my writing hurts anyone of you. I may be wrong in my observation but I just love you all too much to let go…
Today at 12:21pm
KITA the Musical was a success. I watched it for three times and still the play amazed me no less each time. I am so proud of Hafiz. Dennis Chua of NST has described his acting as “perfect” and his vocal prowess was “second to none”. KITA was Hafiz’s biggest achievement so far.
Having to act and sing for ten nights in a row was not easy. It needs a lot of commitment, discipline, courage and stamina. What more with the broken wrist that he suffered three days before the final show. But oh my…the boy really has a big heart! He continued acting without a glimpse of discomfort and pain. He’d given his best despite the misfortune. And for that we should be proud of being his fans.
Well, I am not going to comment much about the theater, you can read all about it in the newspaper. But, I was so touched by the friendship of Rahman, Cheong and Ganesh showed in KITA and how the differences, challenges and hardship in life make them even closer. And KITA reminds me of “us” – Hafiz’s fans or “his family” as he claimed to Michael Roa, his co-star in KITA. And from being Hafiz’s fans we become friends.
Dear friends, do you still remember, once upon a time, one year ago, we gathered at the LCCT meeting eyes for the first time, waiting for Hafiz at odd morning hours. Do you still remember the glow on our faces?
Dear friends, do you still remember, one year ago, at the KIA, we were so worried about Hafiz’s delayed flight? Do you still remember how anxious we were waiting for Hafiz to arrive for the dinner? And do you still remember Hafiz’s face when he saw us and tried to recall our name one by one?
Do you remember the “doa” that we had in the chatbox on the night of the launching of Hafiz’s first album? Do you remember the tears that we shed that night? Do you still remember the memorable times we spent in KL or Kuching or everywhere chasing after our Superboy? Ahhh….friends, do you still remember the joy and the laughter that we shared even without Hafiz with us?
It has been a year. We have been through a lot. Some friends are just drifting away, some are not talking to each other, some have doubt in their minds and some are trying to be on the top of everything...Duhh!! Hmmm….never across in my mind that being a Hafiz’s fan and becoming friends of Hafiz’s fans can be such a challenge. Isn’t it weird? God, friends, what are we fighting for actually?
There were times I think I just want to STOP. I can just be Hafiz’s fan without being his friend or friends to his fans. After all, I have played my part as an ardent fan – I bought his album, I request and vote for his songs, I bought tickets to his shows, I showed up at his big events – so that’s it! I am A FAN!
But I guess it is not enough. NO, it is never enough! For me or for you! Friends, deny it all you want, but I am sure deep down you agree with me!
Each of us wanted to be part of Hafiz or else we wouldn’t insist so much of him. We want him to return our calls despite his tiredness, we want him to reply to our sms or bbm or twitter or fb comment despite his busyness, we want him to acknowledge us for everything that we do for him and we want him to “pujuk” us for nothing… God, what are we doing? Friends, do you realize that sometimes we are being so selfish and insensible?
And Hafiz being himself abides to our selfishness and insensibility, because to him, WE are his family. I don’t befriend many people in the entertainment world, but I think what Hafiz has done to us is more than what he should. He has given bits and pieces of him to each and every one of us… in a different way (of course).
Dear friends, put aside the jealousy that we might feel for each other and scrap out all the negative thoughts that bugging our mind. If one word of apology can clear the air, then do so. There is no winner to be announced after all!
Friends, please forgive me if my writing hurts anyone of you. I may be wrong in my observation but I just love you all too much to let go…

England vs Germany
Lampard controversial goal during the match with Germany was actually not in. See below image.

Poor Lampard.

Poor Lampard.
fifa world cup 2010,
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